Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Holiday Poem

How is the holiday going Room 5. I have another dose of flu so have spent the day on the couch playing on the computer.

Not that the weather is great for being outside either!

I thought I would start a holiday poem and you can add your verse in the comments and I will post it up or you can email me an exciting holiday picture to cheer me up :)


Holidays are great
When you can play
Outside in the sun
Lying on your tum

Holidays are great
When you go to interesting places
Riding the waves 
And hiding in caves

Holidays are great 
Because you get to see different people
Family and friends
Hope it never ends (thanks Sam and Elizabeth)

Holidays are great
Because you get to do lots of fun things
Hills to ski down 
Mini golf in town (thanks Lucy and Anne)


  1. Holidays are great
    Because you get to see different people
    Family and friends
    Hope it never ends

    Sam and Elizabeth

  2. Holidays are great
    Because you get to do lots of fun things
    hills to ski down
    mini golf in town

    Lucy and Anne

  3. Nice one Lucy and Anne, I have posted it up. This week has been great for skiing. I hope you got a chance to go. I think I will have to book a day up the mountain if it stays like this.


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